



“Halfway,” & “Full Stop,” Weber - The Contemporary West

“Meadow Shade Made of Body Parts,” Antiphony

“Firefly Nectar for Rebecca,” & “Working Backwards,” Subtropics

a chapbook, “intervals of,” from a Collaboration with Rebecca Resinski, an Erasure of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s novel, Sign of the Four, Blue Bag Press

2 Couplets from a Collaboration with Rebecca Resinski, an Erasure of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s novel, Sign of the Four, “Couplet 61-115” and “Couplet 28-87,” Apricity

“Delta 22: We Laugh. We Talk about Almost Dying While Stumbling onto Highway 101 at 1 A.M.” Basalt

“Delta 23: A Spider Web Across the Trail the Morning after a Night of Rain,” Pif Magazine

“Delta 26: On the Drive to School a Coyote Crossed the Road Again Again,” Goat’s Milk

2 Couplets from a Collaboration with Rebecca Resinksi, an Erasure of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s novel, Sign of the Four, “"Couplet 11-14" and "Couplet 82-47," Eleven and a Half Magazine

2 Quartets from a Collaboration with Rebecca Resinski, an Erasure of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s novel, Sign of the Four, “Quartet 27 - 53 - 73 - 132” and “Quartet 80 - 121 - 9 - 118,” The Tiny

“Delta 10: The Green Plastic Flyswatter on the End Table Looks Like a Bug,” Gargoyle

“5 Quartets” from a Collaboration with Rebecca Resinski, an Erasure of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s novel, Sign of the Four, Queen Mobs Teahouse

“Delta 25: A Round Mirror Reflecting the Mid-century Modern Pendant Lamp,” Phantom Drift

“Delta 29: Every Level a Line, Every Line a Fisherman’s Net Bag of No Longers,” Cleaver

"Delta 18: The Empty Parking Garage Stopped by and Denied Any Wrongdoing,“ and “Delta 20: Crossing the Bridge to Tassajara Trail,“ Hotel Amerika

“Delta 24: The Train Station in Brod Now Houses a Family of Seven,” Curator

“Delta 7: Walking Over Here Today I Asked My Son, Bay, What Poem I Should Read First,” The Talking Book

“Delta 12: On The Eve of the Death of Seamus Heaney I Watch Chris Matthews on Airline TV While Sitting Next to Chris Matthews,” WINDOW - issue 8 - "PULP" from Patient Sounds

“6,” “36,” & “72,” A Collaboration with Rebecca Resinski, an Erasure of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s novel, Sign of the Four, Swifts & Slows

“129,” A Collaboration with Rebecca Resinski, an Erasure of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s novel, Sign of the Four, *82 Review

“Delta 9: Water Hyacinth Under the Right Conditions Doubles in Size Every 10 Days,” Train

“Delta 1: What We Called Pickleweed Was Everywhere“ & “Delta 19: If You Were Given a Self-driving Car What Would You Do with It?” Green Briar Review

"Delta 4: Before Departing for Las Pozas with Edward James my Son Schools Me on Stretch Armstrong," Projected Letters

"Delta 8: Unsent Letter 5 Regarding What the Coreopsis Had to Say Written a Few Weeks After a Vacation in Pismo Beach," & "Delta 13: After We Walked the Sand Ending in the San Francisco Cliff Sides," VisitantLit

"Delta 16: Ewa Chrusciel Describes the Role of the Archangel Michael," Alexandria Quarterly

"Delta 13: After We Walked the Sand Ending in the San Francisco Cliff Sides," "Delta 14: On Our Last Walk Past the Edge of the Neighborhood I Noticed a Man Patching His Fence" & "Delta 17: Slough Water Never so Clear as Flow Tide in November," Mayday 

"Delta 2: At Night We Walk & Talk To the Far Edge Of The Subdivision," Juxtaprose / MidnightOil

"Delta 5: September 7th the Day After Reading Antin's john cage is still cagey I See Waterweed Everywhere," & "Delta 6: At the Corner Of Byron Highway & Camino Diablo There Is a Stoplight," The Laurel Review

"Essay on Granite," North American Review

"Delta 15: The Definition of a Circle in a World without Geometry," Aquifer: The Florida Review 

"Delta 17: Slough Water Never so Clear as Flow Tide in November," Free State Review

"[Asemics Sonnet for Bird Cage by John Cage] ཏԲԺՋǿ͑ƭ̦ޖڍΣѤ ҵসപʜ̦̘̀ܫh̨ò̅হḼ́̍͆͐ঊø̌É̍͋̐͢ΫΔ ʾɶ̻̑̐КӲඨໆ[V," "Self-erasure Spy Asemics," "San Joaquin Asemics for Rebecca," "Simple.C Curl 'Found Poem' Boustrophedon Transform {plot} Erasure Edit," "Lovesick: Talking Poem," & “Kong” Song," Angry Old Man

"Delta 3: The Jewel-shaped Dorsal Shield -- Doesn't Just Look Like Danger," East Bay Review

"A Set of Instructions for Writing a Poem Called Sol LeWitt by Sol LeWitt for Sol LeWitt" & "Ode to a Broken Typewriter Found While Hiking with My Son," FIVE:2:ONE

"Hocus Pocus," "Abracadabra," & "Delta 11: We’ve Heard Rumors the Water Hyacinth Was So Thick," Letters

"$10,000 Pyramid Sonnet," Glass

"I Dream I Am Walking the Streets of Some Unknown Metropolis..." Prairie Schooner

"From Symphosius: Word Problems #38" & "Types of Angels," Compose

"Kolupto," "Kalodidaskalos," "The Olive Trees of Korfu Redux," ":Matthew's Algorithm #17 from Spam," & ":Matthews Algorithm #22 from Symphosius," Light

"Yosemite Lostness Fable," Columbia Poetry Review

"In Limbo at the Millennium," Greensboro Review

"I left out that part busted sonnet tanka for Amanda," Shadowgraf

"This Year I...," "In a Family Room Of a House Where a Three-Year-Old Is Raising His Parents," & "Superman Battles Cthulu Under the Watchful Eye of the Zap Gun," Smartish Pace

"Noose," Pinch

"Stowaway" & "The Singing Ship," Tin Cannon

"The Day We Translated Catullus 8 in Mr. Nemesh's Latin Class," Cider Press Review

"Shadow Thief," "Catullus 3," & "Catullus 8," Interim

"Portrait of the Artist as Slow Food," Verse

"Morning Meditation Busted Sonnet Sequence Failure 19," Borderlands

"Supernova," TAB: The Journal of Poetry & Poetics

"Amanda's Mirror Calls the Overtones Upon her Latest Departure," "What Amanda's Looks Say," "The Spycam Captures Amanda Trying on Her Daughter's Underwear," & "On the Invention of Amanda," Sparkle & Blink | Quiet Lightning

"Poem to be Cut into Confetti" and "Portrait of the Artist as a Playlist Sonnet," Mary

"Field of View," Mudlark

"Heteroscedasticity" and "Heteroscedasticity II" Phylogeny, SWP Lit Mag, The Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics

"Manes Gossiping, Overheard" Carolina Quarterly

"Breba," Apt

"Perishable Gods," Kenyon Review

"The Toll," "The Cormorant," "Ms. Yen's Music Studio Summer Recital," "Drift," & "Some Lines to a Jazz Singer," BlazeVox

"The Windmills of Altamont Pass," Phoebe

"The Aquarium at the Potluck," Isotope

"The Darling Killer" 32 Poems

"Translations, Eleven From Catullus: 5, 6, 13, 32, 37, 43, 55, 70, 85, 106, 109" Cipher Journal

"Bohemians en Voyage by Baudelaire," "There in Timbuktu," "To Gerard de Nerval" and "Sunrise in Espoo," Arabesques

"At the Terminal," Cranky

"The Tattooed Lady," Del Sol Review

"Shopping at Williams Sonoma," SomaLit (Online) 

"Spurge," Rhino

"Communications in Accordance with Article 5, Paragraph 1 of the Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts, and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space Partial Pantoum," VOLT

"Denial," Cimarron Review

"Swimming Laps at High Altitude," "American Gryphon," "Cross Words," and "What It's Like for Some," CrossConnect

"The Shallows" and "Under the Front Porch," Third Coast

"The Water Skimmer" and "Just In, Reports of Revolution," Illuminations

"General Delivery" and "Gin: Dream," RE:AL

"Night Lines," New England Review

"After a Migraine," Pebble Lake Review (Online)

"After a Migraine" and "The Cottage at Red Bluff," NYQ

"Corkscrew Slough with Mosquito" and "Horses Shimmying in their Paddock," DelMar

"The Town Crier," ZYZZYVA

"Some Lines Written with Invisible Ink," Shampoo (Online)

"Looking for God," The Paumanok Review (Online)

"The Missing Island," The Pedestal Magazine (Online)

"Millipede, Skolopendra," Blue Fifth Review (Online)

"Turning Out the Light," Bitter Oleander

"On the Fall," "On the Equinox," and "What the Flour Needed," Diner

"On the Fall," Prairie Winds

"Alpaca Farm Economy and Tomato Can Label Sestina (After Reading the Art Spirit by Robert Henri 17 Years after it was First Assigned in a Freshman Life Drawing Class)," and "Filmskimming," McSweeney's (Online)

"At Dinner with Shuk Ling," Worm

"The Twittering Machine," Chain

"Cuyahoga Falls Rib Burn-Out," New Millennium Writings

"This Story," "The Graffitti Artist Settles in the Eskimo Village," Euphony

"Spring Meditation," The Pittsburgh Quarterly (Online)

"Rescue Vehicles," read as dispatch by Joe Romero http://transmissionarts.org/audio/17cq0g as part of Max Goldfarb's DEEP CYCLE: REINCARNATION OF HERMAN MEYDAG http://transmissionarts.org/work/pbbkkq 

"Twittering Machine," "Rescue Vehicles," and "Notes from a Lecture on Sterna Paradisea," Diagram (Online)

"The Attempted Assassination of Jules Verne," "The Petting Zoo," and "The 52nd Floor," Maverick Magazine (Online)

"The Attempted Assassination of Jules Verne," Poetry Midwest (Online)

"Grooming Habits," "The Remedy," and "The Nearest Island," Three Candles (Online)

"The Marking," The West Wind Review

"Manahawk Refuge," Calapooya

"From a Journal: Dooker's Hollow," "Above the Ranch," "At the Oyster Bar," Permafrost

"Indiscretion with Mannequin," Birmingham Poetry Review

"Baron's Shed Mineshaft C," Wisconsin Review

"Market Scene," "Faith Healing," Confluence

"Purgatory," Oxford Magazine

"The Bowhead's Ambergris," "Cross Country Skiing," "Steelhead," Alaska Quarterly Review

"Early Frost," Southern Indiana Review

"On the Invention of Boxing Gloves," "What the Village Did," Poems and Plays

"On Absence," The Comstock Review

"Le Palais Du Cheval," Dream International Quarterly

"The Professor's Wife to the College Boy," Artful Dodge

"Cockeyed Oscars," Painted Bride Quarterly

"Fishing Under Waukesha Bridge," Toad HiWay

"Underage with Ten Dollars at Oscars," Whiskey Island

"Outfielder on the Mound," Aethlon

"On the Nature of Caliban: Bootlicker, Assassin," Snake Nation

"Frogbeaters," Apalachee Quarterly

"Coil," Cutbank

"You Can Hold the Universe in One Woman's Hand, Amanda," New Collage

"After Millay's Love is Not All..." Moravian Review

Academic Research

Academic Research

Academic Research:

Grotesque: Faces in Faces in the Work of Aubrey Beardlsey, Marginalized Literatures Conference, Washington State University

Walking in Two Worlds: Poetic Explorations across Distances and Differences (Inupiaq, Tlingkit, Yupik, Navajo, and Riverside, California Students Reader Response in Cyberspace), Breadloaf Rural Teacher Network Magazine

Cross-Age Tutoring as Pedadgogy-"Students are involved on different levels of tutoring/working with younger students. Currently, Kevin McNulty's 8th grade class in Tumacacori, Arizona; David Koehn's high school students from Barrow, Alaska; Wendy Bessera's high school students participating in Youth Reaching Out to Youth in Deming, New Mexico; and Michelle
Wyman-Warren's 10th grade English Class in Mountainair, New Mexico, sharing, discussing, and advising one another about various activities surrounding work with specific cross age tutoring projects."

Personal Essays

Personal Essays


Poetry Spoken Here, Episode 145 https://soundcloud.com/poetry-spoken-here/episode-145-david-koehn | https://ms.player.fm/series/poetry-spoken-here/episode-145-david-koehn

David Koehn with Jim Daniels at The Conversant http://theconversant.org/?p=8427

First Verse: David Koehn & Jazzy Danziger http://omniverse.us/first-verse-david-koehn-and-jazzy-danziger/

First Verse: David Koehn & Jane Lewty http://omniverse.us/first-verse-david-koehn-jane-lewty/

First Verse: David Koehn & Rachel Mennies http://omniverse.us/first-verse-david-koehn-and-rachel-mennies/

Studio One Reading Series, A Conversation: David Koehn and Dean Rader http://studioonereadingseries.blogspot.com/2014/05/a-conversation-david-koehn-and-dean.html

Personal Essays:

Some Notes on Kinnell’s “Burning the Brush Pile,” Michigan Quaterly Review, https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/mqr/2020/07/some-notes-on-galway-kinnells-burning-the-brush-pile/

Some Notes on Harryette Mullen's Sleeping with the Dictionary, The Rumpus, http://therumpus.net/2014/06/the-last-book-of-poems-i-loved-sleeping-with-the-dictionary-by-harryette-mullen/

Some Notes on Dean Rader's Chapbook, Landscape Portrait Figure Form, Borderlandshttp://www.borderlands.org/

Reclaiming Catullus, Omniverse.us, http://omniverse.us/david-koehn-reclaiming-catullus/

32 Versions of Catullus 32, A Catullus Matching Quiz, Omniverse.us, http://omniverse.us/david-koehn-catullus-32-matching-quiz/

Poetry as String Theory a Review of Quipu by Arthur Sze, American Letters and Commentary
*Also see http://www.festivaldepoesiademedellin.org/pub.php/en/Diario/05_24_04_09.html 

On "Syzygy," by Arthur Sze, Ominiverse.us, http://omniverse.us/david-koehn-on-arthur-szes-syzygy/

On "The Turnip-Snedder," by Seamus Heaney, Ominiverse.us, http://omniverse.us/david-koehn-on-heaneys-the-turnip-snedder/

A Personal Essay: Book Reviews with Self-Portait, The Squaw Valley Community of Writers: Galway Kinnell, Robert Hass, Sharon Olds, Dean Young, and Cornelius Eady, New York Quarterly,http://nyq.org/issues/?id=63

Deep Reassembly, A Review of Profane Halo by Gilian Conoley, Jacket,http://jacketmagazine.com/29/koehn-conoley.html

A Review of Star Dust: Poems by Frank Bidart, New Hampshire Review,http://www.newhampshirereview.com/koehn.htm

Some Notes On Suji Kwock Kim and Notes From The Divided Country With A Close Reading Of "Leaving Chinatown" http://blogcritics.org/some-notes-on-suji-kwock-kim1/

Some Notes on the Muse of San Francisco, Jacqui Naylor at Chez Hannyhttps://blogcritics.org/some-notes-on-the-muse-of/

Jacqui Naylor Live at Berkeley's Jazz School: Shades of Blossom Dearie,http://blogcritics.org/jacqui-naylor-live-at-berkeleys-jazz/

Some Notes on Dexter Gordon, http://blogcritics.org/some-notes-on-dexter-gordon-round/

Jacqui Naylor's The Color Five and Some Notes on Doing-It-Yourself, http://blogcritics.org/music-review-jacqui-naylors-the-color/

Soulful Sound Open to the World: Some Notes on Stanley Turrentine, http://blogcritics.org/soulful-sound-open-to-the-world/

Gander's Gems: Some Notes on Forrest Gander's The Blue Rock Collection,http://blogcritics.org/ganders-gems-some-notes-on-forrest/

A Taxonomic Study Concerning the Circadian Rhythms of Long P. Americana, The Macguffin

Ms. Shakespeare, Carnegie Mellon Magazine



A Walk in the Park, New College, USF
The Accident, Eastern Oregon State College

Translation Awards:

Awarded a Hendrix-Murphy Foundation Programs in Literature and Language Grant to lead a Catullus Translation Workshop/Reading and Student Poetry Reading at Hendrix University

Fellowships and Residency Awards:

Fishtrap Fellow, Fishtrap Writers Conference

Aspen Writers Conference, Scholarship

Ropewalk Writers Retreat, Scholarship

Annenberg Fellow at the Breadloaf School of English

Squaw Valley Community of Writers

Napa Valley Writer's Conference

Rockmirth Residency, Eco-arts Abode, Sapello, New Mexico

Vermont Studio Center, Writer's Grant (Not Yet Completed)

Leighton Studios Residency at Bannff (Not Yet Completed)

Artist's Residency at The Red Cinder Creativity Center of Hawaii

The Santa Fe Art Institute, Writers Residency

Tupelo Press Guided Writing Retreat, Writing Resident, Fellowship Award